Box model in CSS


1 min read

The box model is a fundamental concept in CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) that describes how elements are renedered in a web page. According to box model every element in a document is considered as a rectangular box. Each box consists of four parts: content, padding, border and margin.

Content: This is the actual content of the box, such as text,images,or other media. It is the innermost part of the box and issurronded by padding.

Padding: Padding is the space between the content and the border of the box. It helps to create space around the content, seperating it from the border.

Border: The border is a line that surrounds the padding and content of the box. It is optional but can be used to visually seperate the content from its surroundings.

Margin: Margin is the space outside the border of the box. It seperates the box from other elements of the page.

When you set the width and height of an element in CSS, you are actually setting the width and height of the content box. The total size of the box is calculated by adding the content width/height to the padding, border, and margin sizes.

By understanding the box model, you can control the spacing, sizing, and layout of elements on your web page more effectively using CSS.